Friday, October 5, 2012


As I was perusing the weekly specials of the grocery, one caught my eye:  TURDUCKEN, which is a deal at $69.99 for an average ten pound whatever-that-is.  My first thought on this was WTF???  According to the fine folks at Wikipedia, turducken is a de-boned chicken stuffed inside a de-boned duck stuffed inside a de-boned turkey.  There are so many questions I have about this!!!  Who in the world is removing all of these bones??????  In my head I have a vision of the Edgar suit from Men In Black.  It's just not normal.  And if you can get past that, my next question would be - WHO thought that would be a good idea?  And who would eat it??  It doesn't sound delicious at all.  There are even pictures if you feel so inclined to look it up.  Bleck.  Last year I decided to do an herb butter on the Thanksgiving turkey.  I fought and fought to get the stupid butter under the skin because that is apparently what you are supposed to do.  I called that poor thing names.  I beat on it.  I assaulted my turkey.  All of that to put an eighth of a cup of butter inside of the turkey.  Who in the hell is going to stuff two other CREATURES in a turkey??  Even if you could prove it would be delicious, I say no way.

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