At least that's what I've been told. I wouldn't know. I don't have but a speck, and I doubt that would be enough to make me virtuous.
Today was super busy. I love being busy!!!! It makes the time pass and I feel like I am accomplishing things. It also makes me very intolerant of stupidity, and quite frankly, there has been plenty. Our biggest supplier is now requiring some crazy super long questionnaire to be completed for new customers, including the rush order I was trying to get pushed through. Basically the higher ups come up with policies that they will never have to use, and then implement them, and no one tells us. So yeah, this new policy would have maybe been easier to comply with if they had TOLD US. Crikey.
Then there is football. Now, I don't know how many of you have kids that have played football, but it is all-consuming. Don't get me wrong - it is great for the kids, and a lot of fun, but there is a lot of time that goes into it, even from just a parental role. Usually, the teams have a "team mom" that handles organizing the snack schedules, getting information out, handling any questions or concerns that parents have, and anything else that might come up. I have been just such a mom for baseball, so I understand the job and the demands. However, nobody forces you to do it. It is a VOLUNTEER position. I feel like if you take it on, you need to be prepared for the job. I find myself incredibly frustrated this year. I approached this person after I saw the head information person talking to her to ask some questions I had, and she actually said when one of the other moms corrected her on something that she hadn't been paying attention. WHAT?!?! Isn't that your job? Aren't you specifically responsible for getting the information and passing it along? Why in the world would you NOT be paying attention. I am trying to gather my strength and grow my patience. I don't see this going well. The good news is that the season hasn't even started yet.
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