Monday, August 27, 2012

Crazy Weekends and Crazier Kids

Man, do I have some crazy weekends.....

I mean, I'm sure most people say that, but really by the time it's back to work time on Monday, I normally feel like I need a drink and a nap....before 9am.  Not that I don't (usually) enjoy the craziness, but sometimes I feel like a whole week has passed in those two short days, and it's hard to keep up.  Then on the drive in to work I go over things in my mind, and I am amazed that we fit everything in there.

School started for us last week.  Oh, the back to school mayhem.  Our youngest started Kindergarten.  He is..........spirited.  He also has a hard time with change, and groups of people stress him out.  And up until the Friday before, he was still taking naps at daycare everyday.  Well, that is a thing of the past, friends, and we are not coping well.  His stress and over-tiredness has manifested into total meltdowns, complete with screaming at the top of his lungs, throwing things, hitting, kicking, slamming doors, you name it.  Now, I know this is just a phase.  I understand that it won't last for long.  And that does not help one little itty bitty bit when he is coming unglued.  You can spank him, send him to time out, hell, we even sat on him Saturday, and it doesn't stop it at all.  It just has to run its course until he quiets enough so you can whisper to him.  But of course, on Saturday, by the time that happened at my oldest son's football game, everybody in the whole park was looking at us.  I am sure that they thought my kid was out of  control, and I was the worst mother in the world.  To which I say: "=P (complete with sound effects and spittle); you have a turn."  The crazy thing is, once you get him calmed down, he is fine.  Like nothing ever happened.  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  Then I think - if he is this trying at 5, what will 15 be like.  I. Am. Doomed.

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