Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Just Call Me Oscar

Sometimes I wish grown-ups could get away with temper tantrums like little kids do.  There are absolutely times when it should be perfectly reasonable to lay on the floor and kick and scream and throw things and... well you get my point.  I guess all of the crazy seems to happen on the same day so that you can enjoy the rest of the days, but wow.  It really needs to spread out.

The best part is all of the crazy seems to happen to other people on the same day.  So all day long you have all of these grouchy people grouching at each other.  I am really trying to limit my contact with people today, but it's just not working out.  I just need to find a trash can and make myself a home.  Except they probably don't even make metal trash cans anymore.  So I would be grouchy about that too.

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