Goooooooood morning!!!
Today inside of my head feels like a badly written sitcom. I am not sure if it's too much allergy medicine, my children sucking the sanity right out of me, or if I am just plain losing my marbles. Regardless, here are some of the highlights from my morning.
The cicadas are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaah! Run for your lives!!!!!!
Now that we have that out of the way.........
They are here. For real. This morning when we went to leave, there were little dead body shells all over the driveway, and the cicadas were hanging out on the tires of my car. Weirdos. Now, I don't really have any issue with them. I prefer not to hang out and make friends, but I don't really feel the need to freak out. Except today I am wearing flip-flops, and I had to maneuver around dead bug carcasses. EWWWWW. And because I have small children, I try to maintain composure about things like this. You know, when there's a bee, and on the inside you just know that it's going to sting us all and we're going to magically develop an instantaneous allergy that we've never had before and all of us will fall dead on the spot, but you stay all calm and use your magic mommy voice to tell your kids to not freak out and the bee will leave us alone. Same thing. Can't the cicadas stay on the grass where they belong??? Don't they know that my PAVED driveway is not part of nature? It's man-made. Not your territory. Go hang out on the tree that is maybe 5 feet away, and stop littering my driveway with your shells. Because God knows, my foot might fall off if my naked toe touches a cicada body.
To top off that near death experience, both of the kids had meltdown morning. To put it mildly, that means that both of them had near death experiences also. I have never been so happy to get to work. Alone. I have been sitting here for a long time enjoying the quiet. Don't tell anybody; people might come talk to me then.
On the way here, I saw a car with Montana tags. We live near several military facilities, so seeing out of state tags is not uncommon, but I had never seen one from Montana before. At the top, it says that Montana is the "Treasure State." This, friends, made me laugh out loud. I feel like that is a trick to try to get people to go there. Nobody ever says, Oh, I'm going to Montana. So, to get people intrigued they call themselves the treasure state. The only thing that could've made that better is if there were a little map with a big red X. Nothing against anybody from Montana. I am sure it is a wonderful place. I would like to go there someday, but I do not expect to do so pirate-style.
For the record, I am an equal opportunity hater of state slogans. For example, I live in Maryland. The "free state." Says who??? They are taxing the RAIN here now. Virginia, they say, is for lovers. The only thing I can tell that they love is bad driving. See? I hate everybody =]