Friday, August 30, 2013

Slap Happy

Some days I feel like a ginormous ball of tension that oozes out in little bits of crazy.  It happens to be (mostly) good tension today.  This morning, someone told me "good morning sunshine," which is one of my favorite things to say.  Somehow I transformed that from thinking about 'I love that' to singing "I like it when you call me big poppa...."  Probably I shouldn't share these things in any public forum, but it's too good not to.

On top of all this bouncing around in my head, I am certain that I missed even the possibility of being nominated for mother of the year last night.  My husband works crazy hours, so we have to be creative sometimes to have alone time.  As the lady that had sex with her husband every day for a year pointed out this week, it doesn't matter if it's in a closet; it still counts!  I digress.  Anywho, the kids wanted to go play on the trampoline.  PERFECT!!  It's right outside our bedroom so we can hear if they're still out there, or fighting, or whatever.  So tell me how we've had this thing for fricken' years, and last night when all the adults are naked is the only time anybody's gotten hurt????  How does this happen?  Gah.  So I am trying to get out there quickly because my kid is like paralyzed and all that, and my husband has the damn curtain open.  Umm hello, I can't move from my hidden position until they won't notice that I am naked here!!!!!  Fortunately, the child is ok.  And I am doubly fortunate that nobody noticed that I had my shirt on backwards.  Ha.

Got a loooooong weekend coming up!  Whoop whoop!  I need a camel commercial for Fridays now.  Wednesday is getting all the laughter because everyone can walk around going HUMP DAAAY!!!

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