I saw a comment on facebook a couple of days ago, and it has really been under my skin since then. It was on a post about some famous unwed couple expecting a baby, or they just had a baby, or they want to have a baby, or who cares. Anyway, people were voicing their congratulations or nastiness. Mostly the nastiness was about them not being married, and someone commented about the divorce rate and people not wanting to put the work into their marriages these days, which led to a response that "marriage should not be work."
Everything worth having is worth working for. Absolutely you have to work on your marriage. All relationships require a commitment of some sort. A relationship can't survive without compromise and compassion. I would think that a lot of the people that get divorced would describe at least part of the reason for the divorce to be that one or both of them put their relationship on autopilot. While I agree that some of the aspects don't always feel like work, that doesn't diminish their importance. Even down to details such as telling your spouse that you love them are things that are important. It would be easy to stop under the premise that the other person already knows. That might be true, but very little effort is required to remind them every day. So, while I know that the daily grind can sure take it's toll on things, I sure hope my husband knows how much he is loved! I will always try to go the extra mile to make sure our relationship stays strong, because I absolutely want it to last until forever!
As for the person that thinks marriage shouldn't be work, I wish you the greatest of luck in either finding a partner that your theory works with, or a swift divorce proceeding.
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